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Our Services

With over 20 years experience within our team, we aim to provide non-institutional therapeutic living environments where staff work with young people to enable them to develop inner controls, respect for self and others and take responsibility for their actions. Our staff not only aim to meet the development needs of young people but, through the use of individual assessment, support, guidance and opportunities they can begin to explore and address their individual needs improving outcomes, with a comprehensive care plan that helps support them to achieve their aspirations.

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  • Autism demands not only professional care, but also a level of understanding and support that Family first care recognises as a key aspect of care provision.

  • Our homes include accommodation and support for adults and children with Autistic spectrum conditions. These are small, friendly, homely group-living environments. Each one remains dedicated to focusing on the provision of consistent and structured support through highly trained and experienced staff.

  • The support focuses on bespoke, person-centred care, which enables people to achieve positive outcomes and maximise their independence.

  • Our innovative transition service aims to help individuals to develop independence and work towards goals and outcomes to prepare them for their future and the transition into adulthood.

Challenging behaviour

  • Challenging behaviour can present itself in several different forms but with years of experience, we have prided ourselves on our ability to patiently investigate the possible causes of this behaviour among each of our service users. Our care staff team are then able to come up with creative and effective ways to alleviate some of the problems which may be the cause.

  • We work closely with outside agencies to assist each client in reaching their full potential and overcoming some or all of their problems.

Learning difficulties 

  • We have a number of homes that provided care and support for people with learning disabilities.

  • Every one of our homes focuses on Person Centred Working. The focus of our approach is what is important to the service user. We believe that these person centred plans give us a firm foundation for support; enabling us to continually listen and learn about what is important to an individual now and in the future, and to act on this in partnership with them, their family and/or representatives.

  • Our support is designed to help achieve positive outcomes for individuals. For this to be effective, we believe that individuals must be recognised and supported as active assessors of their own needs, planners of their own support and services and co-producers of their own outcomes.

Sensory impairment

  • The onset of sensory impairment may be gradual, or it may be as the result of a trauma or illness. Whatever the personal circumstances, adapting to life brings uncertainty and challenges.

  • We have teams of professional carers who recognise the uncertainties and can offer help and assistance in personal care to help individuals live as independently as possible – with adapted equipment, and involvement in social activities that may otherwise be inaccessible.

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